Podmas day 3: How do you find your place in the world?

Do you have any advice for the recently turned 18-year-old about anything? Life advise. Here are his answers Experience: Volunteer for as many different things as you can and take on various jobs. Learn: Take classes on different subjects, read books, watch documentaries, meet people, and try to learn from their experience.

A while ago my husband Omar was answering questions on Instagram, and one of them was

Do you have any advice for the recently turned 18-year-old about anything? Life advise.

Here are his answers


Volunteer for as many different things as you can and take on various jobs.


Take classes on different subjects, read books, watch documentaries, meet people, and try to learn from their experience.


Spend time with family and relatives as much as possible. It invents time to cultivate good friendships.

I'll add

Spirtuallutly to this list, we are nothing without faith, and the habits that you create early on in life will carry you through the times of hardship when you don't have the mental or physical capacity to learn new things.

Eventually, your unique value to offer people will be the intersection of your education, experience ad relationships. Build it now.

For those of us who are a little or a lot older than 18, I would say that all of these habits are something you can start at any time. The prophet sallalahu wa alayhi wa sallam was given wahi when he was 40 years old. You can change anything about yourself at anything. It only takes dua and effort.

I often talk about my mom and how she was a stay at home mom of 6 in a country she immigrated to because of war. This migration took her from her country, her family and friends, and her career. After she raised us, she went back to school, had her surprise number 7 baby at the age of 39, did her last exam, gave birth, and months later, started her new career. its never to late to start ladies.

It was an adjustment for the whole family, but she was determined to create a better life for herself and us. Her story keeps me going, and it's not a unique story, women all over the world make the changes and sacrifices necessary to live their best life.

Tell us about an enormous life-changing decision that has changed your life.
