Podmas day 10 Muslim family Winter traditions

amp;nbsp;   So the Christmas season is in full swing here in the states, and I usually have two thoughts that come into my head this time of year As Muslims do, we create a sprite of celebration for our families for Eid?

Episode 69 Podmas day 10 

So the Christmas season is in full swing here in the states, and I usually have two thoughts that come into my head this time of year

As Muslims do, we create a sprite of celebration for our families for Eid? One that is memorable for our kids without making it all like Christmas in terms of decor and gifts.

I feel like in the age of small Muslim business, and we can go a little crazy in buying Muslim decorations, games, books, and toys because those of us who didn't grow up in a Muslim country didn't have that. Social media is about to start going crazy within a month with the Ramadan and Eid merchandise posts, and I would love to hear what you guys think about this because I, for one, I'm always torn about it. Last year I tried to reuse as much stuff as I could from previous years, and the few purchases I made were things I can continue to use in future Ramadans and Eids. That's the best compromise I could come up with.

The second thing that comes to mind is winter traditions. Growing up in Canada, I use to love the Christmas season, not because of the shirk and bidahs. But because everything was so festive, it was snowing, so we would go sledding, build snowmen, have snowball fights and the neighbors had their lights all up, the TV was full of feel-good movies and shows. Not to mention school, where I was always in the Choir and band, and Christmas was the big performances. So while we didn't celebrate Christmas, there was still a lot of Christmas around. So I had to ask myself, do my kids have a winter tradition? And since we live in Texas, only two things came to mind. Our favorite things are Hot Chocolate and Home Alone 2. Our kids are not in any school clubs that have holiday events, and we get no snow, so that simplifies life

I asked on Instagram today Does your family have any winter traditions

and some people answered yes, and some said no, some of the traditions included 

-going tubing every yea and then going for desserts and hot chocolate.

-family vacations

-Making Harissa (a Kashmiri meat porridge and Kashmiri chai.

- Skating 

I would love to know if you guys have any winter family traditions and what you think of it as a Practising Muslims.

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Omar Usman